How to have a safe and healthy winter
Winter brings potential health and safety risks, most of which can be easily avoided by taking a few simple precautions
LHC Report: entering the last week of the heavy-ion run
The one-month 2018 heavy-ion run has just one week left to go
4 and 5 December: World Scientific Publishing Book Fair
The World Scientific Publishing Book Fair will take place in the Main Building (500) on Tuesday, 4 and Wednesday, 5 December 2018
Closure of the intersection of Routes Feynman, Rutheford and Weisskopf
Due to roadworks, the roundabout at the intersection intersection of Routes Feynman, Rutheford and Weisskopf will be closed on 7, 10, 11 and 12 December
Using CERN magnet technology in innovative cancer treatment
A new “gantry” design using CERN magnet technology has the potential to revolutionise hadron therapy
Let's wander in the forest
A series of visits were organised in November to help discover horse-logging at CERN
Exchanging a foreign driving licence in France
CERN has asked the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs to investigate the possibility of authorising the exchange of a foreign driving licence in France
TEDxCERN: A remarkable elephant in the room
TEDxCERN 2018 hosted speakers from the digital world and life science experts who gave talks that inspired a worldwide audience