Video recordings of the Wright Colloquium lectures now available
Video recordings of the 2018 lectures on the theme of gravity are now available on the Wright Colloquium’s website
ESA subjects AI chip to tests at CERN
Intel’s new Myriad 2 chip underwent tests at CERN’s SPS
LHC prepares for new achievements
After an outstanding performance, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the accelerator complex and the experiments are now stopping for two years for major improvements and upgrading.
CERN Accelerator School - High-Gradient Wakefield Accelerators
Registration is now open for the CERN Accelerator School’s course on High-Gradient Wakefield Accelerators, to be held in Sesimbra, Portugal from 11 March to 22 March 2019
Official holidays in 2019 and end-of-year closure 2019/2020
(Application of Articles R II 4.38 and R II 4.39 of the Staff Regulations)
Untangling the origin of string theory
Half a century ago, theorist Gabriele Veneziano visited CERN and wrote a paper that wound up marking the beginning of string theory
Access to the Organization’s site during the end-of-year closure
The only persons who will be entitled to enter the CERN site during the end-of-year closure are those who are required to perform essential or emergency work
First full satellite tested in CERN’s CHARM facility
CERN has tested a new satellite, CELESTA, which will use CERN radiation-monitoring technology in space
Crystal cleaning the LHC beam
In October, for the first time, crystal collimators were used to improve the performance of the beam cleaning process at the LHC during a physics run
122nd ACCU Meeting
Agenda for the meeting to be held on Tuesday, 4 December 2018 at 9:15 a.m. in Room Georges Charpak (Room F, 60/6-015)