Google and Micron join CERN openlab
Google and Micron announce that they are joining CERN openlab at major US supercomputing conference
Computer Security: The problem with crypto-mining
When using CERN resources, mining for professional purposes lacks any reasonable professional justification
Places available – crèche and school at CERN
The Jardin des Particules, the crèche and school run by the Staff Association, currently has a number of full- and part-time places available
TEDxCERN: events worth experiencing this week
This week’s TEDxCERN 2018 is more than just an afternoon show in downtown Geneva. It’s a whole series of events and initiatives designed to engage an audience from CERN and beyond
Exploring quantum computing for high-energy physics
CERN openlab workshop kicks off discussion of quantum computing for high-energy physics
Don't miss the TEDxCERN pre-event
Two panel discussions will be held in the Globe of Science and Innovation on Monday 19 November from 17:00
So long, Linac2, and thanks for all the protons
After 40 years of service, the linear accelerator has shut down and passed the baton to Linac4, which will take over as the first link in the accelerator chain
Be courteous, be safe, when you’re on the roads
World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is an opportunity to reflect on how we use the roads at CERN