Sharing knowledge: the fifth CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries
The fifth CERN-UNESCO School on Digital Libraries brought together 35 library professionals from African countries in Nairobi, Kenya
CERN’s IT Consultancy team can help
CERN IT experts provide advice on IT and computing for all CERN communities
25 years of service at CERN
In 2018, 45 staff members have achieved 25 years of service at CERN
Computer Security: When "free" is not free
Protect CERN, protect yourself! Using applications without a valid licence will lead to repercussions
Welcome to the new CERN website
CERN has launched its new website, presenting a different way of finding out about the Organization
Giving input to the European Strategy for Particle Physics
Important information about the 2020 update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics
New antimatter gravity experiments begin at CERN
The ALPHA-g and GBAR experiments have received their first beams of antiprotons
Chasing a particle that is its own antiparticle
The ATLAS collaboration presents its latest search for heavy Majorana neutrinos
13-14 November: Spain@CERN industrial exhibition
This event is organised by CDTI, the Spanish Innovation Agency, and will allow 56 Spanish companies to share their expertise and know-how with CERN
ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb Career Networking Event 2018
You are invited to register for this year's networking event enabling current postdocs and graduate students to meet alumni of the LHC experiments