For one day only LHC collides xenon beams
The LHC is operating for several hours with the nuclei of xenon atoms
Beamline for Schools 2017: a successful story continues
Two high-school teams from Italy and Canada had the opportunity to conduct their own experiments at a fully-equipped CERN beamline
Waves of congratulations for the Nobel Prize
The 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne for the detection of gravitational waves
ATLAS and CMS celebrate their 25th anniversaries
On 1 October 1992, the newly formed ATLAS and CMS collaborations both submitted letters of intent for the construction of their detectors
Tonight: Researchers’ Night at CERN
Tonight, CERN will be open to the general public to celebrate science
LHC rocks the seesaw model
CMS experiment delves into the mystery of neutrino masses
The melody of magnets
On the occasion of the EUCAS 2017 conference, superconducting magnets and cavities were turned into musical instruments
To 20 Tesla and beyond: the high-temperature superconductors
High-temperature superconductors have the potential to revolutionise the field of particle physics
CERN openlab tackles ICT challenges of High-Luminosity LHC
CERN openlab has published a white paper identifying the major ICT challenges that face CERN and other ‘big science’ projects in the coming years
Next stop: the superconducting magnets of the future
Intensity tests have been successfully completed on the FRESCA2 magnet. It will serve as a test bench for the development of more powerful magnets