New arrivals - September 2016
On Tuesday 20 September 2016, recently-recruited staff members and fellows participated in a session in the framework of the induction programme
A New Building for Testing Magnets
A ceremony to mark the laying of the foundation stone of Building 311, which will house a magnetic measurement laboratory, took place on 22 September
There’s more to particle physics at CERN than colliders
Creation of a Physics Beyond Colliders study group to provide input to the next update of the European Strategy for Particle Physics
De-squeeze the beams: TOTEM and ATLAS/ALFA
A special proton-proton run with larger beam sizes at the interaction point is intended to probe the p-p elastic scattering regime at small angles
LHC Report: playing with angles
Ready (after a machine development period), steady (running), go (for a special run)!
News from Council - September 2016
Fabiola Gianotti, CERN’s Director-General, shares the news from Council who met this week
How the LHC is inspiring a Smart Urban Farm Startup
Innovative ideas blossom at the KT Entrepreneurship meet-ups
European Researchers’ Night | 30 September
European Researchers’ Night: Activities at CERN for All Audiences
Computer Security: e-mail is broken and nothing we can do
Have you ever received an e-mail from a friend or someone you know and been surprised or appalled by its contents?
ISOLDE physicists win Young Scientist prize
Young Scientist Prize, granted by the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics awarded to researchers for work at CERN’s ISOLDE