Raising the (G)bar for antimatter exploration
What is the effect of gravity on antimatter? A new experiment at CERN is preparing to join the quest to find the answer to this question in physics
Accelerating News Issue 20 now available
The latest issue of Accelerating News has been published and is now available to read online
CERN: ideal for entrepreneurship, for those who take a leap
How CERN is an ideal place to explore and nurture new business ideas and to foster an entrepreneurial spirit
LHCb observes an exceptionally large group of particles
In what is an exceptional observation, the LHCb experiment at CERN has discovered a new system of five particles in a single analysis
Here’s what open-heart surgery at the LHC looks like
See in images how the “heart” of the CMS detector, its Pixel Tracker, was replaced
CMS pixel tracker transplant: everything went well so far
At the beginning of March, the CMS collaboration installed an important part of its detector: its second-generation Pixel Tracker
EYETS Report: 2017, a busy year ahead for the accelerators
As part of the EYETS activities, the Linac3 ion source was converted to a xenon ion source
Paving the way for a new antimatter experiment
The GBAR experiment will create antihydrogen ions at rest to study the action of gravity upon antimatter
New Management at the ATLAS Experiment
Dave Charlton passes the baton to new ATLAS Spokesperson Karl Jakobs
Chamonix event prepares for LHC’s future
A review of LHC operation and system performance at the annual LHC performance workshop in Chamonix, France