LHC experiments already planning for long shutdown
ALICE, ATLAS, CMS and LHCb are looking ahead to the 20-month shutdown from February 2013
LHC collides protons with lead ions for the first time
The switch - a test for a longer proton-lead run scheduled for January to February 2013 - presented numerous technical challenges
LHC Report: Rocky XIV
The LHC has been in luminosity production mode for a couple of weeks - the total integrated luminosity for the year has passed 14 inverse femtobarns
Testing begins for CERN's future linear accelerator
Linear accelerator 4 will deliver particles to the Proton-Synchrotron Booster at more than triple the energy the current linac achieves
LHC Report: Timeout is over!
A 10% decrease in the LHC's peak luminosity can be explained by changing bunch intensities. Jan Uythoven reports
Summer running at the LHC
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has delivered over twice as many collisions to the ATLAS and CMS experiments this year as it did in the whole of 2011
LHC update: 3 August 2012
Good performance followed recovery from extended luminosity calibration runs
Proposal to use CERN accelerator for biomedical research
Discussions under way for possible re-use of LEIR accelerator
LHC Report: A Roman potpourri
A mixed bag of operations and the development of special optics mean the LHC is on track for as much luminosity as possible before the long shutdown