LHC restart update
LHC run 2 is coming ever closer, but there will be no beam in the LHC this week
Connecting Worlds: Buddhist Master visits CERN
Today at CERN His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa discussed science and perception with CERN researchers
Blood donation: 31 March
Give blood Tuesday 31 March between 9am and 4pm in building 504 (Restaurant 2)
It's Future Circular Collider week in Washington DC
This week delegates at the first Annual Meeting of the FCC study will discuss the status of their project to decide on a baseline for further study
A report from Council
The success of the LS1, the restart of accelerators and the impact of the high value of the Swiss franc were discussed during CERN Council meeting.
LHCb's new analysis confirms old puzzle
LHCb physicists today presented their latest analysis of a rare decay, which shows deviations from Standard Model calculations
Keeping HL-LHC accountable
This week saw the cost and schedule of the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) and LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) projects come under close scrutiny
A bright future for HERA physics
A workshop in DESY looked at what the data from HERA can still offer for experiments, now and in the future
LHCb's new analysis confirms old puzzle
LHCb physicists today presented their latest analysis of the rare B → K*μμ decay. The new results show deviations from Standard Model calculations
50 years of particle physics at Moriond
Don't miss today's webcast at 5.30pm celebrating 50 years of particle physics at the Rencontres de Moriond in Italy