CBI students: target hit!
The students on the third Challenge Based Innovation (CBI) @CERN course presented all their proofs-of-concept and prototypes in December
Training course for eighteen teachers at CERN
18 teachers attended a three-day training course organised by the LAMAP Foundation (Fondation La main à la pâte set up by Georges Charpak in 1995)
CERN encourages girls to "expand their horizons"
CERN took part in "Élargis tes horizons" a conference to encourage girls to take up studies in the scientific and technical domains
New year message from the Director-General
Fabiola Gianotti greets CERN personnel and invites them to a general meeting on Monday 18 January
2015 at CERN in pictures
2015: the year that saw the restart of collisions at the world’s largest particle accelerator and the return of the particle hunters to their lookouts
CERN Director-General Rolf Heuer passes the baton to Fabiola Gianotti
A new era for CERN-US collaboration in particle physics
Following the signature of an umbrella agreement in May, a series of detailed CERN-US protocols was concluded today in a short ceremony at CERN
Meet the CERN robots
From retrieving data tapes to handling material safely, the robots at CERN fulfill numerous tasks
Tim Peake’s TimPix launch into space
Astronaut Tim Peake is on the International Space Station with a Timepix chip from the CERN@School project
Vibration tests for High-Luminosity LHC project begin
In preparation for civil engineering work for the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider, vibration measurements have been carried out near the LHC