Ask me anything! CERN researchers on Reddit
Yesterday CERN scientists took to Reddit to answer questions about life and work at CERN. Here are some highlights
OECD report praises innovation at CERN
CERN's ability to innovate attracts creative, ambitious individuals such that "success breeds success in innovation," note authors of OECD report
ESS: neutron beams at the high-intensity frontier
Learn about the European Spallation Source, and Jim Yeck, who is taking charge of the project in its construction phase, in the latest CERN Courier
New ATLAS results at LHCP: Higgs mass to string balls
ATLAS presented new results at the Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP) Conference in Columbia University, New York, 2-7 June
Zero tolerance to fraud at CERN
CERN has a very clear policy on fraud: prevention, those reporting it are protected from recrimination, and zero-tolerance should fraud be uncovered
LS1 report: first beams in the PS Booster
On 2 June the PS Booster had beam for the first time since the beginning of LS1
Possible disruption at border crossings 6 June
Drivers using French-Swiss border crossings may face delays due to a work-to-rule action of the French customs agents of the Douane du Léman
Beamline for Schools competition winners announced
The two student teams – from Greece and the Netherlands – will carry out experiments at CERN in September. Watch videos from their winning proposals
Beamline for Schools competition winners announced
The two student teams – from Greece and the Netherlands – will carry out experiments at CERN in September. Watch videos from their winning proposals