The 39th CERN School of Computing goes to Belgium: apply now
Applications are now open for CERN’s 39th School of Computing.
SaferNanoDesign Summer School | 13-18 June
A bioHC Summer School - 13-18 June 2016 - European Scientific Institute, Archamps, Haute-Savoie.
LHC Report: machine commissioning - drawing to a close
The recommissioning of the LHC is going well: the machine has delivered first pilot Stable Beams collisions.
The Globe is back!
The Globe of Science and Innovation reopened its doors to the public on Tuesday, 19 April 2016, after almost a year of extensive renovations.
Preparing for the future
The second annual meeting of the Future Circular Collider (FCC) design study took place from 11 to 15 April in Rome.
Computer Security: what is your identity?
In the physical world this is fairly clear...
Andrey Loginov (1977 – 2016)
With deep regret CERN announces the death of Andrey Loginov.
CMS releases new batch of LHC open data
The CMS collaboration makes 300 TB of high-quality data from the LHC available to the public through the CERN Open Data Portal
Preparations continue for the upcoming physics run
The first low-intensity stable beams have been declared in the LHC following the restart in March 2016