Marc Abrahams is editor and co-founder of the science humour magazine Annals of Improbable Research which - like the Ig Nobel prizes - is focused on research that makes you laugh, and then think.
He will be presenting the IgNobel show at the University of Geneva, Uni Dufour, Rue Général-Dufour 24, today at 6.30pm CET.
Watch the webcast here at 6.30pm CET
The University of Geneva show features genuine Ig Nobel Prize winners, who will explain, as best they can, what they did and why they did it:
- Stephan Bolliger and Steffen Ross (is it better to be smashed on the head with a full bottle of be, or to be smashed on the head with an empty bottle of beer?)
- Bart Knols (malaria mosquitoes are strongly attracted to the smells of Limburger cheese and human feet)
- Kees Moeliker (homosexual necrophilia in the mallard duck)
The show will be in English. Follow #IgNobelGVA on Twitter.