ILC collaboration celebrates 10th anniversary

Ten years ago the global research and development effort for the future International Linear Collider kicked off at a meeting in Snowmass in the US


Ten years ago, scientists from all over the world formed a new global collaboration for a future particle collider called the International Linear Collider (ILC). People who had previously studied different concepts for linear colliders came together in Snowmass, Colorado, to work on the ILC and its challenging technologies. The Global Design Effort was born.

Researching, devising, testing and improving the machine's design, the community published a Technical Design Report and cost estimate in 2013 – the sign in large-scale science that a project is ready to be built.

Research and development for ILC continues to this day while scientists look forward to new results from the LHC. A decision whether and where to build the ILC has not yet been taken, but the most likely site is in northern Japan if the project gets the go-ahead from key stakeholders. ILC research is coordinated by the Linear Collider Collaboration (LCC), which brings the ILC and the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) studies under one roof.

The LCC newsletter NewsLine also celebrates its tenth anniversary; the latest issue takes a look at highlights and developments over the past ten years.