Composition of the Joint Advisory Disciplinary Board (JADB) - 2015 Exercise
Swiss students vote CERN to top 5 most desirable employers
In a 2015 survey, Swiss students put CERN in the top five most desirable places to work in the IT, Engineering and Natural Science sectors
Accelerating news: Issue 13 now online
The LHC restart, highlights from FCC week, the first bending magnet of SESAME and more in this spring issue
CERN Director-General visits SESAME
Rolf Heuer visited the SESAME laboratory in Jordan on 13 April along with European Commissioner for research, Carlos Moedas
Important milestones for the LHC and for integrity
The major news this week is, of course, the start of LHC Run 2
AMS days: experiments present latest results
Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station will be the focus of the three-day “AMS Days at CERN” meeting
AMS Days at CERN and latest results from the AMS experiment
Results from the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) on the International Space Station will be the focus of the three-day “AMS Days at CERN” meeting
Physics community to discuss latest results of the AMS experiment
A complete demonstrator of a muon-cooled Higgs factory
At 4pm on 14 April in the CERN auditorium, Carlo Rubbia will review the case for a muon-cooled Higgs factory. Watch the webcast