The end of computing’s steam age
Cloud technology offers a promising solution for the computing needs of particle physics
A professional culture at CERN
James Purvis, Human Resources Department Head, on breaching CERN’s code of conduct
CERN openlab student programme closes with lightning talks
Earlier this week, this year’s CERN openlab summer students presented their work as 5-minute ‘lighting talk’ presentations
LHC pushes limits of performance
The LHC performance continued to surpass expectations when this week it achieved 2220 proton bunches
News regarding mobility at CERN
CERN owns a fleet of more than 500 bikes and cars, which are available for personnel use
LHC report: a break from luminosity production
The LHC has been in great shape over the last few months, delivering over 20 fb-1 of integrated luminosity before the ICHEP conference
Roberto Petronzio (1949 – 2016)
Our dear colleague Roberto Petronzio passed away on 28 July at the age of 67
CERN featured as leader in Global Innovation Index
The Global Innovation Index 2016 report is a leading reference on innovation and uses CERN as an example of a highly successful regional initiative
ICHEP 2016: to b(ump) or not to b(ump)
Eckhard attends the 38th International Conference on High Energy Physics, ICHEP 2016, hosted this year by the US particle physics community
Cosmic vibes: CERN raves at summer festivals
This summer, CERN appeared at various festivals in the UK